Create Your Own Traditional Bouquet


The Traditional Bouquets are presented in a flat style, so they lie down and are wrapped in complimentary cellophane. They can be a lovely tribute from a relative or friend to show their respect and love.

All our Traditional Bouquets are made using our finest flowers, which are at their best on the day of the funeral. They typically include roses, chrysanthemums, the best flowers of the season, and greenery.


Additional information

Choose Your Size

Standard 24 inches £40.00, Medium 34 inches £50.00, Large 40 inches £60.00

Select Your Colour Scheme:

Florists Choice, Pure (White/Ivory/Cream), Bright (Lemon/Yellow/Gold), Hot (Red/Rich/Pink), Bold (Blue/Yellow), Soft (Pinks/Lilacs), Vibrant (Orange/Purple/Lime)

Product Description

If you would like something specific, please type in requests in ‘Special Instructions’, i.e. include gypsophila or no lilies.


If you want to leave it up to us, select the florist’s choice. If you would like a different colour scheme, select the Florist’s choice, but then write your colour or colours in special instructions, e.g., white and blue, or yellow, red, orange, and green.

Call us if you have any questions: 0115 933 2077.