If you would like something specific please type in requests in ‘Special Instructions’ i.e include carnations or no lilies. (We will always try and fulfil all special requests – including delivery times – but we can not guarantee to meet them).
Whereas red is the color of deep and abiding love, pink is red’s youthful counterpart. The meaning of pink flowers is one of innocent happiness. At once caring and also carefree, pink flowers allow you to show love more filial than romantic. Use pink when the meaning of your flowers needs a buoyant touch.
If anybody thinks about pink, then definitely thinks about the elements of grace, gentility, and happiness. Regardless of the shape of the flower – from the tight, small buds of a pink garden rose to the delicate, open petals of a pink caellia in full bloom – pink blossoms convey youth, innocence, and joy. Pink is the color that always turns the occasion of life into a memorable moment for generations to come.